Month: October 2023

Selet Sensor

Selet was born in 1973 at Turin (Torino) during the big industrial evolution time; it starts its job by making electronics boards for oleodinamic and electrical fields but, after a year, the rigth way was found and we started producing components for the automation fields. The production of inductive sensors starts, with the idea to push …

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Switches and Proximity

Whether on the assembly line or the machine – where safety in the production area is concerned, the safe rope pull switch PSENrope is a proven, reliable solution. You can guarantee a safe stop at every point of the conveyor. The encoders PSENenco are used to determine position and speed in the automation system PSS 4000. For position monitoring …

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Solutions for airports

Millions of travellers and masses of luggage are transported and handled at airports every day. It’s vital that nothing goes wrong in these well-rehearsed procedures. This requires perfect co-ordination and absolute safety. Pilz offers economical safety concepts that are proven in practice, covering many areas of the airport: