Day: July 13, 2024

Pilz – Safe automation, automation technology - Pilz INT

Safety gate system PILZ PSENsgate | PT.Felcro Indonesia

PSENsgate you mentioned, these features work in tandem to provide comprehensive protection. They not only monitor the status of the safety gate but also actively prevent access to dangerous areas until conditions are safe. This integration not only enhances safety but also simplifies installation and maintenance compared to separate systems for interlocking and guard …

Safety gate system PILZ PSENsgate | PT.Felcro Indonesia Read More »

LIKA Magnetic Incremental Encoder Compact

The magnetic incremental encoder Compact series from LIKA electronic is a type of rotary encoder that utilizes magnetic technology for precise position and motion sensing. Offers accurate position feedback with high resolution, typically in terms of pulses per revolution (PPR). Designed to be space-efficient, making it suitable for applications where size is a constraint. Magnetic …

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PILZ PASvisu Visualization software Control project

PASvisu is a powerful HMI (Human Machine Interface) software developed by Pilz, designed specifically for visualizing and monitoring plant and machinery in industrial settings. PASvisu allows operators and engineers to create intuitive and clear visual representations of industrial processes, machinery, and automation systems. This includes displaying real-time data, status indicators, alarms, and interactive elements such …

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PILZ PNOZ m1p ETH PNOZmulti Small controllers

The PNOZmulti is indeed a classic safety system developed by Pilz, a well-known manufacturer of safety automation products. The specific variant you mentioned, PNOZ m1p ETH, refers to a model within the PNOZmulti range that integrates Ethernet communication capabilities. The PNOZmulti system is modular, allowing users to build safety solutions tailored to their specific needs. …

PILZ PNOZ m1p ETH PNOZmulti Small controllers Read More »

PILZ PSENbolt Safety bolts for Safety gate monitoring

Some safety gates are designed to be difficult to adjust once installed, either due to their location or purpose. PSENbolt provides a secure locking mechanism that ensures the gate remains closed and safe without frequent adjustment needs. The safety bolt PSENbolt is indeed well-suited for certain applications where traditional safety gates may pose challenges. Safety …

PILZ PSENbolt Safety bolts for Safety gate monitoring Read More »