Safety for press, human and robot.

Safety for press, human and robot.

The particular focus of the safety concept: the new interface between the robot and bending machine, as this poses a variety of risks for the people located there. Firstly, no

August 24, 2023
Relay sets safety standard

Relay sets safety standard

With the available expansion modules, all applications – E-STOP, safety gate switch with/without guard locking and light curtain – can be covered on the machines. In addition to the myPNOZ,

August 23, 2023
Onfilter the world without EMI

Onfilter the world without EMI

OnFILTER designs and manufactures special-purpose EMI filters and related instrumentation. We design our own products and manufacture them in California, USA and ship them around the world.  We manufacture both standard and

August 22, 2023
Selet Sensor | Sensori per l’industria

Selet Sensor | Sensori per l’industria

Selet was born in 1973 at Turin (Torino) during the big industrial evolution time; it starts its job by making electronics boards for oleodinamic and electrical fields but, after a year,

August 22, 2023

Events & Fairs



The 2024 exhibition edition has occupied with more than 1.300 exibiting companies from 30 countries. Providing a variety of onsite activities start from Kaizen, Manufacturing digital hub, business matchmaking, seminar series and podcast sessions, live product demo, indoestri area and walk the manufacturing student tour, the exhibition have sucessfully attracted over 33.000 trade attendees in just 4 days.