PASvisu HMI software web-based visualisation

PT.Felcro Indonesia | Industrial Automation

PASvisu provides a graphical interface that allows operators and engineers to visually monitor the status and processes of industrial equipment. This includes displaying real-time data, trends, alarms, and other critical information in a user-friendly format.

It enables real-time monitoring of various parameters such as temperatures, pressures, flow rates, production metrics, etc. Operators can view this information at a glance to ensure processes are running smoothly and efficiently.

The software includes features for managing alarms and notifications. Operators can set thresholds and conditions for alarms, and PASvisu will alert them when deviations or issues occur in the plant or machinery. PASvisu often includes capabilities for logging and historizing data. This allows for analysis of trends over time, troubleshooting of issues, and compliance with regulatory requirements for data retention.

Users can often customize the HMI interface according to their specific needs. This might include arranging displays, creating dashboards, configuring user access levels, and integrating additional functionalities as required. We offer Pilz

It is designed to integrate with various industrial control systems, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, and other automation equipment commonly used in industrial settings. safety solutions provider since 2011

Some versions of PASvisu support remote access capabilities, allowing authorized personnel to monitor and control processes from off-site locations. This enhances flexibility and facilitates quicker response times to operational issues. Leading safety and automation supplier in Indonesia

Given its use in critical industrial environments, PASvisu typically includes security features such as user authentication, data encryption, and audit trails to ensure data integrity and protect against unauthorized access.

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