PITreader S

PITreader S seems to be a device or system that focuses on secure communication, compatibility with other systems, and authentication for safety gate guarding. The integration of OPC UA standard is a notable feature contributing to enhanced security and usability. The availability of PITreader S in PITgatebox suggests flexibility in application, particularly in the context of safety gate control. This suggests that it can be conveniently integrated into the PITgatebox for specific applications, possibly related to safety gate control. PITreader S is available in the pushbutton unit PITgatebox. This implies that it ensures secure access control to safety gates, possibly through user authentication processes. http://www.pilz.com

This broader compatibility promises increased security and usability, especially for access permission. The use of OPC UA standard not only boosts communication security but also expands connection options to systems from other manufacturers that also support OPC UA. PITreader S integrates the OPC UA standard for communication between server and client. This integration enhances communication security. http://www.pilz.com

PITreader S also offers integration of the OPC UA standard. On the one hand, this increases the security of communication between Server and Client. On the other hand, PITreader S expands the connection options to other manufacturers’ systems that also use OPC UA, thereby promising greater security and usability for access permission. For optimum safety gate guarding with authentication, PITreader S is also available in the pushbutton unit PITgatebox. http://www.pilz.com

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