Reduce emissions

Rechner Sensors

With its integrated energy and environmental management, Pilz is continuously monitoring its energy efficiency and environmental performance in order to identify any weaknesses and avoid waste. The aim is to continuously improve energy efficiency and environmental protection. 

Since March 2016, Pilz has had an Energy Management System in accordance with ISO 50001 and an Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001. These help with the sustainable implementation of our aim, to work and manufacture in a way that’s environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

As “Ambassadors for safety”, our aim is to improve safety for human and machine worldwide. That includes the environment in which we live and work. At Pilz, we are aware of where and how high our greenhouse gas emissions are. Our goal is to use appropriate measures, as a global team, to reduce these emissions as far as possible!

Only when we cannot identify any further measures should we offset unavoidable emissions. The regionality of these measures is especially important to us.

Transport and pre-production of components have a considerable influence on our environment. For this reason we lay down specifications for our suppliers and demand a more sustainable focus. Therefore, they are closely involved in Pilz’s management of pollutants. The issues of energy efficiency and environmental protection are additional deciding factors when procuring products and services.

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