Safety Relays | PT.Felcro Indonesia

PNOZsigma safety relays stand for: economical and safe monitoring of E-STOP, safety gates or light barriers. When you choose a PNOZsigma safety relay, you are effectively deciding to use safe, tried and tested, reliable technology and – in comparison with other automation solutions – for economical operation. PNOZsigma safety relays offer the right solution for various tasks, quickly available and highly reliable.

The international PNOZsigma product range is used in a wide variety of safety applications. It can be adapted to the application and represents a favorable solution for all machine types and categories. You can use units with a width of just 22.5 mm to monitor the E-STOP function on smaller machines. High availability is a major competitive advantage for operator control and monitoring systems. With widths of 45 mm or 67.5 mm, you have a great deal of flexibility when it comes to implementing safety functions and achieving optimum means of operation.

Safety relays PNOZsigma combine many years of experience with today’s requirements. You can operate these safety relays to safely monitor E-STOP, safety gates or light grids, for example, anywhere in the world. PNOZsigma is always the right solution – it is economical and multifunctional. Safety solutions provider since 2011, We offer pilz safety relays pnozsigma, emergency stop, light barriers, safety gates, light curtains, two hand control, speed, standstill and more.

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